Download lights out in the house
Download lights out in the house

download lights out in the house

It acts as one of the few character development points for said characters indicating the woman's avoidance of a committed relationship. A premarital relationship is a major component of two of the main characters' situation which is pushed on the viewer in a fairly drawn out scene about the woman not allowing the man to stay at her residence for the evening after an implied sexual encounter. Be aware that some complex topics are intertwined with the story such as mental health, abandonment, estranged family member situations, and suicide. The character development rises just above completely flat, and very little can be said of cinematography beyond utilizing lighting as a plot device. That story, coupled with the jumpscares, keeps the movie above monotonous drivel. A semi-complex backstory is revealed, but explained thoroughly, so most children of at least twelve or thirteen should be able to follow. Overall it was fun to go see in a theater filled with jumpy teenagers, but not really worth a second watch.Lights Out relies mostly on jumpscares to frighten but is held together by a clear and cohesive story. Definitely a creature to inspire nightmares when you turn out the lights. By not ever showing her real form for much time outside of the shadows, she managed to be pretty horrifying.

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However, the film succeeded in making Diana frightening. This was only accentuated by sub-par acting from quite a bit of the cast. It tried to explore a deeper meaning, touching on mental illness and family problems (think The Babadook but not nearly as good), but it only managed to scratch the surface in a pretty shallow and uninteresting way.

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This film tried to be more than what is was. By adding so much to the concept, it threw off the pacing. The short film this movie was based off was simple, and effectively scary. Usually I go into PG-13 horror films with low expectations, which allowed me to enjoy the movie for what it is: a bunch of jump scares. Lights Out wasn't a bad film, and it's always nice when a horror film comes out that has some scary moments and is only PG-13.

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